Electric Vehicles vs. Gas Vehicles: Pros and Cons


(How Do Electric Cars Work)?

Electric cars replace a traditional, gas-powered engine with one that runs solely on electricity. To supply this energy while on the move, electric vehicles are equipped with a large battery that gives them enough range to make them practical for commuting and getting around town.

To recharge, electric vehicles must be plugged into a power adapter that can supply the battery with a new “tank” of energy. Depending on the vehicle and the type of power adapter used for recharging, it could take hours for the vehicle to fully refuel.

While the early versions of electric vehicles were compact cars that were lightweight and had smaller energy and battery storage requirements, new (types of electric cars) are expanding into full-size car models and even SUVs and trucks.

(Do Hybrid Cars Use Gas)?

Yes, hybrid vehicles use gas. The main difference between (hybrid vs. electric) vehicles is that hybrids feature dual engines that run off of gas fuel but also have a larger battery to run off of fully electric energy. Most hybrid models are designed to use electric power at lower speeds or when idling, but to then switch over to gas power at higher speeds.

The Benefits of Owning an Electric Car

The surge in popularity for electric cars is happening for a reason: many buyers see a number of advantages that come with all-electric vehicles. These include:

  • Lower fuel costs. Over the life of the vehicle, electric fuel is much cheaper than gas, which will save you money even when accounting for the cost of replacing a car battery.
  • Federal tax credits for certain electric vehicles. The federal government currently offers tax credits of up to $7,500 for purchasing an electric vehicle. Your car dealership can help you make sure you’re eligible for this valuable tax credit.
  • Improved energy independence. If you have solar panels installed at your home, your vehicle will be fueled by an energy source you own and control.
  • Reduced carbon emissions. Electric cars are far more (environmentally friendly cars) than traditional gas-powered vehicles or even hybrids. If you want a vehicle that is good for the environment, an electric vehicle may be particularly appealing.

The (Hidden Costs of Owning an Electric Car)

For all of the benefits of driving an electric vehicle, there are also added costs and drawbacks that buyers should be aware of before committing to an electric vehicle. These include:

  • Replacing the battery. Compared to a gas-powered vehicle, the cost to replace an electric car battery is significant, at an average price around $5,500.
  • Waiting to refuel. While electric energy is cheaper than gas, you may spend a lot of time waiting at recharging stations to refill your car’s battery—especially on a long drive.
  • Installing a power adapter in your home. To refuel your vehicle quickly, you’ll likely need to install a special charging station in your garage. This can cost hundreds of dollars, depending on the size of the charging station and the difficulty of the install.
  • Higher purchase prices. Even with tax credits for buying an electric vehicle, the price tag for these vehicles is higher than a similar gas-powered vehicle. With fewer electric vehicles on the market, it’s also more difficult, and more expensive, to find a used model.

(Why Are Electric Cars So Expensive)?

For many buyers, the higher cost of electric cars can be a deterrent to buying these vehicles. Although tax credits can reduce this cost, electric vehicles remain higher-priced for a few different reasons.

One reason is that the technology used in electric vehicles—particularly the battery—is more expensive than the technology in traditional vehicles. In addition, electric cars are a relatively new product for auto makers and have not yet scaled to a high volume of production. As demand for those vehicles increases nationally and around the world, and the number of vehicles sold increases, this cost may gradually decline over time and become more affordable for the average car buyer.

If you still want an electric vehicle after learning (how electric cars work) and educating yourself on the pros and cons of these vehicles, visit your local dealership today to see what electric vehicle options are available in your area.